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F-1 Add, Edit, Delete Optional Practical Training (OPT) Employer


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  5. F-1 Add, Edit, Delete Optional Practical Training (OPT) Employer

F-1 Add, Edit, Delete Optional Practical Training (OPT) Employer

Last updated: August 23, 2024

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While on any type of optional practical training (OPT), a student is required to report the following:

Students on post-completion OPT, including the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Extension, can report certain personal address and employment changes using their Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Portal accounts.

Anything the student cannot or does not report via the SEVP Portal, must be reported to their designated school official (DSO) within 10 days. DSOs have 21 days from the date the student reports a change to update the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) to reflect the changes.


Federal Regulations and Policies:

Other employment resources:

Relationship between Employment and the Student’s Major Area of Study

“SEVP Policy Guidance: Practical Training – Determining a Direct Relationship Between Employment and a Student's Major Area of Study” explains SEVP’s stance on determining whether the OPT employment is directly related to the student’s major area of study and how to explain this relationship in SEVIS. It is the student’s responsibility to relate the training opportunity to the program of study. If the relationship is not clear, it is the student who must identify the connection.

Before you add an employer in SEVIS, the student should give you a written description that includes: