In this article, you will study the meaning, concept, difference, and example of conditional and biconditional statements.
The conditional and biconditional statements are the statements put in p and q format. Any statement put in the format “If p, then q” is called a conditional statement. It is written as p → q. The conditional statement is also known as implication.It can also be written as “p implies q.” The arrow follows the implication logic expressed in a conditional statement. The p component is premise or antecedent, and the q component is known as conclusion or consequent.
On the other hand, biconditional statements are the statements that are written in the form of “p if and only if q.” Here, the p and q are known as the basic statements. The biconditional statements are the conjunctions of the conditional statements with the converse. It is written as p ↔ q.
The conditional statements are in the form of p → q with the premise p. The statement number is divided by two and the conclusion by q. This way, the number is even. The implication of the conditional statement p → q is only false when q is false and p is true. In all the other implications, it is always true. In the implication, p is known as antecedent or hypothesis, and q is known as consequent or conclusion.